Ukrainian Canadian Congress Logo

Програма підтримки іммігрантів від HippoHub.

Ми співпрацюємо з Конґресом українців Канади в Альберті і безкоштовно надаємо доступ для створення он-лайн резюме, ярмарки вакансій, навчальних програм. Заповніть своє онлайн резюме сьогодні і отримайте допомогу.

Зареєструйся зараз!
Driver (International or Local) *
Current Jobs Hiring Immediately

Remote Jobs: These jobs are for individuals that can travel and stay in accommodations provided by the company.

Marketing by

Fill out the digital resume today and let us help.

We stand together to support Ukrainians that have arrived in Canada with online resume technology, Job Fairs and Training all for free.

Many employers already signed up!

Register your resume today and meet many employers on August 22nd 10am MST 2022 at our Virtual Job Fair. We will be sending out VIP information packages one week prior to the Job Fair!

World class technical, soft and industry specific elearning, and instructor programs.

Hippohub an indigenous owned and operated company partners with PetroSkills and TTG Systems to help Employers assess, train and retain their employees.

Student Employment


Any inquiries:

or call +1 (780) 000-0000